Hi everyone! Hope all is well with you all (as if there are lots of people reading this).
I just want to know if this happens to everyone else, or just me:
You go to sleep, exhausted from doing shows and eating good food with family, and your brain decides to plant a very scary and not nice dream in your head. This dream tries to convince you that the love of your life and eternal companion has decided to marry someone else. This woman's name is Stephanie for some reason, and she is beautiful and fun, and certainly doesn't have any of the weird issues you have--in fact, she's perfect. Now, your husband says he'll always love you, but is just going to deal with you in heaven--not here on earth. You wake up sweaty and scared and end up waking your very tired husband up because you want to make sure that he's real and that he married YOU, not some skank ho named Stephanie (no offense to real Stephanies out there).
Boo. I HATE that dream, and I'm really tired of having it--or some variation thereof. I know Jord loves me, and that we are perfect together. I just don't understand why my unconscious brain doesn't clue in when I am just trying to get some r&r.
Okay, that's all.
On another note, harry potter was AMAZING and I can't wait to own it. I want to have Harry Potter dreams please!!!
You're adorable. Sorry you had bad dreams like that. Heres hoping for happy, good dreams tonight.