Friday, July 29, 2011

Did anyone else see that terrifying movie?

No. No. NO.  I can't believe it!! I have spent the last two months here in Logan, Utah and have had little to no run-ins with anything creepy or crawly, and now that I have one week left, my apartment becomes the set to Arachnophobia (has anyone else seen that?).  Okay, maybe there have only been two so far, but since they are so much bigger than normal house spiders, they count as way more.  Lest you all forget, I don't do well with the animal kingdom--check out my post from LAST year around this time here.

So, I'm getting ready for bed in the bathroom last night, and after I took out my contacts, I noticed a very big, quick bug of some kind skittering across the floor.   Since I couldn't see what it was exactly, I stealthily  ran to my bedroom to get my glasses to further assess the situation.  Did I need to call Jordan?  Could I handle it myself?  When I don't have my glasses on, everything is blurry and a little bigger than it really is.  I didn't want to expose my girly wussiness if I didn't need to.  So i came back in to the bathroom and crouched on the ground to find the sucker and it attacked.  It never touched me but it new it was in trouble. I quickly looked back into the office where Jordan was sitting--totally zoned into an email he was writing--it would take him at least a minute to drop it and come help me--it was NOW OR NEVER.  I mustered my courage and smashed the thing to smithereens on the bottom of my tennis shoe.    I couldn't look at it and promptly ran into the office like I was hiding.  I half expected it to sprout an extra body and come after me.  My heart was racing and I was breathing hard.  Once I calmed down I brought the shoe to Jordan so he could see it and he said..."Wow.  That's really big!"  Like he didn't believe me.  I have since scouted the internet for a picture of a spider that most resembles the beast and this is what I came up with:
Gah!  This morning, I woke up and got ready to exercise with Jordan (don't get any ideas that we are as awesome as we were in January during P90x--we're just trying to get back on the ball) and Jordan says, "Well, whatddya know?  Here's another one" and smashes ANOTHER one in the living room!! I immediately went and put my shoes on to exercise and was definitely thinking about those suckers every single time I got on the floor for superman/banana.  If I see one more I might be forced to buy some bug spray.

Note:  Dear penpal:

I saw your spider post and laughed so hard!! I can't wait to hear Jackson talking so much and I'm glad that you got that thing taken care of :)  and this post is pretty much for you too, who are we kidding?  hah

1 comment:

  1. UGH!!! im all creepy crawlie just thinking of this. i like that we both think about calling our husbands for bug killing. the "feminist" me wants to say to the rest of me: WHY??? i am woman, hear me roar!!

    but really, i just want someone else to take care of the bug issues in my life. thank you very much. :o)
